Sempai Olinger and Justin Olinger
Sempai Kyle Olinger and his son Justin Olinger circa 2003 at the Silkwerks dojo.
Sempai Kyle Olinger and his son Justin Olinger circa 2003 at the Silkwerks dojo.
Sempai Chris Wolbert demonstrating tantodori techniques from suwariwaza. (Uke Sempai Mesut Pervizpour.) Test circa 2002 at the Drexel Armory.
Sensei Wirth with uke JD Lepeta demonstrating a throw from sankyo.
Sempai Jim Gilsinn demonstrating sankyo during his sandan test at the Bryn Mawr dojo.
Sempai Robert Heitzer (left) and Sensei Wirth.
Sempai Deal Lindsay demonstrating tantodori techniques from suwariwaza. (Uke Sempai Mesut Pervizpour.) Test circa 2002 at the Drexel Armory.
Sempai Lepeta, just after ukemi, prepares to attack again during a SportsFest demonstration in 2007.
Sempai Sean Smith (left) and Sensei Wirth.
Photo from March 2003 seminar at the Silkwerks dojo.