Jason Drott sandan test
Sempai Jason Drott (seated at right) at the start of his sandan test.

Winter seminar
Group practice from the second day of Winter seminar at the Lehigh Valley dojo. Sempai David Schwadron working with his little guys in the foreground. Behind them, Sempai Tony Verrecchio is working with a new student from the Muhlenberg college club.

Allentown dojo is ready to open
The new Lehigh Valley dojo located in Allentown is finally complete! Visit the dojo’s web site at www.KinokawaLV.com for more information.

Group from Fall 2003 Seminar
r-to-l: Sempais Tony Verrecchio and Ron Burkle, Senseis Michael Wirth and Ray Miller, Sempais Steve Stroh and Jose Pichardo.

LV Dojo Mat Installation (midway)
Thanks go out to everyone who helped on Monday and Tuesday! The mat frame and foam are installed. (But can’t be seen beause the canvas is covering them.) The canvas is laid out in preparation for trimming and sewing.

Suwari Waza Tantodori
Sensei Wirth performing tantodori in suwari waza at a seminar in 2003.

Group Photo from Fall 2003 Seminar
l-to-r, seated: Sempais Jose Pichardo, Steve Stroh and Ron Burkle, Senseis Ray Miller and Michael Wirth, Sempai Tony Verechio. Kneeling: Sempais Craig Constantine, Dale Lindsay, Chris Wolbert, Mike Allen and Michael Hillenbrand. Standing: Sempais Mesut Pervizpour, Ernest Dottel, Tracy Constantine, Jim Gilsinn, Heather Lindsay, Allison Wolbert, Chris Kulla, Jason Drott, Thad Lurie, Charles Spencert, Steve …

Towson Group October 2012
l-to-r: Renzo (?), Sempai Cara Michele Nether, Sensei Craig Constantine, Sensei Michael Wirth, Sensei Kyle Olinger, Maddy (?), Sempai Chris Kulla