This photo is from one of the SportsFest demonstrations done by Kinokawa. Sempai Jason Drott is taking a backwards breakfall from shihonage from Sensei Mesut Pervizpour.
These photos were taken at the Drexel Armory in Philadelphia. The Drexel Aikido club held a seminar there some time around 2002 or a bit earlier. Of particular interest in these photos are the belt colors. These photos are from shortly after Sensei Wirth decided to move to using colored belts for the kyu ranks. …
l-to-r: Sempai Sean Smith, Senseis Ray Miller and Michael Wirth, Sempais James Jackson and Bill Ross Update… Bill Ross adds: That was from the demo that we did down at Cedar Creek Park. We beat the living day lights out of each other and then Sensei put a hammering on us. I remember laughing as …
On March 19th 2013, the LV dojo was visited by a cub scout group. Sempai Rob Heitzer arranged to have the group of cub scouts and many of their parents to attend a brief demonstration. Sempais Heitzer, Frank Kane and Nam Truong demonstrated some “adult” Aikido to a room full of “ooooohs!” and “aaaaaahs!”, before …