• Phoenix Fitness dojo, circa 1998

    left-to-right in the image are: Svetlana Oshkai, Misha Grey, Craig Constantine, Sensei Wirth, Sempai Bill Ross, Peter Oshkai, and Mike Allen. Phoenix Fitness was located on American Parkway in Allentown. This is the dojo where I started… I believe I remember this picture being taken. I’m certain Sempai Mesut Pervizpour is behind the camera. If …

  • Senseis Miller and Wirth, and Sempai Burkle

    l-to-r: Sensei Ray Miller and Michael Wirth, Sempai Ron Burkle Photo from the first Silkwerks seminar circa 2003.

  • Sensei Miller

    This photo is from one of first seminars at the Silkwerks dojo. (Notice the dojo still has the building’s original wood frame windows.) Sempai JD Lepeta taking ukemi from Sensei Miller.

  • Outdoor Demo

    Sempai James Jackson at an outdoor demonstration with bokken.