• Group from Fall 2003 Seminar

    r-to-l: Sempais Tony Verrecchio and Ron Burkle, Senseis Michael Wirth and Ray Miller, Sempais Steve Stroh and Jose Pichardo.

  • Group Photo from Fall 2003 Seminar

    l-to-r, seated: Sempais Jose Pichardo, Steve Stroh and Ron Burkle, Senseis Ray Miller and Michael Wirth, Sempai Tony Verechio. Kneeling: Sempais Craig Constantine, Dale Lindsay, Chris Wolbert, Mike Allen and Michael Hillenbrand. Standing: Sempais Mesut Pervizpour, Ernest Dottel, Tracy Constantine, Jim Gilsinn, Heather Lindsay, Allison Wolbert, Chris Kulla, Jason Drott, Thad Lurie, Charles Spencert, Steve …

  • Towson Group October 2012

    l-to-r: Renzo (?), Sempai Cara Michele Nether, Sensei Craig Constantine, Sensei Michael Wirth, Sensei Kyle Olinger, Maddy (?), Sempai Chris Kulla