• 2005 Group photo

    l-to-r seated: Sempais Miguel Salguedo, Mesut Pervizpour, Jose Pichardo, Sensei Wirth, Sempais JD Lepeta, Charles Spencer and Craig Constantine. Standing: Mark Puskas, (?), Jason Drott, Jesamin Helder, Mike Papa, Chris Kull and Steve Butler.

  • Sensei Constantine

    A candid shot, snapped by Oliver Pervizpour, during the spring 2014 seminar at the Lehigh Valley dojo.

  • Mt Airy group

    l-to-r front: Sempais Jim Gilsinn, Dale Lindsay, Chris Wolbert and Heather Lindsay. Standing: Chris Kulla, Thad Lurie, Steve Butler, Allison Wolbert, Charles Spencer and Bob Tretheway. Taken at the Silkwerks dojo in Allentown.

  • Mt Airy group

    l-to-r: Sempais Heather Lindsay, Jim Gilsinn, Sensei Wirth, Sempais Dale Lindsay and Chris Wolbert.