• Sensei Wirth demonstrating shihonage

    Sensei Wirth, with uke Mike Bowyer, demonstrating shihonage at the Bryn Mawr dojo.

  • Sportsfest 2007 Demonstration

    Sempai Craig Constantine, with uke Jason Drott, demonstrating technique against tanto at the 2007 SportsFest demonstration.

  • JD Lepeta ikkyu test

    JD Lepeta during the randori portion of his 1st kyu (ikkyu) test at the Silkwerks dojo in 2003.

  • 2006 Mt Airy Group

    l-to-r: Sempais Charles Spencer, Chris Kulla, and Cara-Michele Nether, Ryan, Sempai Kyle Olinger, Bob Tretheway, Sempais Steve Butler and Jim Gilsinn.