Headshot taken for a Kinokawa web site update circa 2003(?).
l-to-r, front: Sempais Jose Pichardo, Steve Stroh, Ron Burkle, Sensei Ray Miller, Sensei Wirth, and Sempai Tony Verrichio. middle: Angel(?) Pichardo, Tracy Constantine, Sempais Heather Lindsay, Craig Constantine, Dale Lindsay, Chris Wolbert, Mike Allen and Michael Hillenbrand. back: Sempai Mesut Pervizpour, Ehrnest Dottel, Sempai Jim Gillsinn, Allison Wolbert, Chris Kulla, Jason Drott, Thad Lurie, Charles …
l-to-r seated: Sempais Mesut Pervizpour, JD Lepeta and Kyle Olinger, Sensei Wirth, Sempais Jose Pichardo, Tony Verrechio, Steve Butler, Chris Kulla, Charles Spencer, Jim Gilsinn and Craig Constantine. l-to-r standing: (?), “Paz” (?), Jason Drott, Max Parness, Patrick Prince, (?), Ryan, Tristan (?), Mike Bowyer, Brad Averich and Cara-Michele Nether.
l-to-right: Vicky Lawson, Sempai Stephanie Olinger and Heather Lindsay. (circa late 90’s)